Jon Davis
Another Knower of Jesus
About Me
In Him I Live, And Move, and Have My Being (Acts 17:28)
My full name is Jonathan Michael Davis, but my whole life I've gone by Jon. Actually, for the last few years especially among colleagues and in restaurants I go by "J.D.". There are far too many John's out there.
I am first and foremost a child of God. To be clear, for my day job in order to pay the bills I have been a .NET software developer for well over two decades. But my primary interest of self-identity is as a King's kid. I say this because He has radically saved me, and that backstory is despite a whole life of being His. I have had periods of disloyalty, but He has redeemed me, and He has claimed me for His interests.
In the year 2020 God got my attention in profound ways. I was among the many who became vulnerable to God's glory in the midst of the COVID-19 weirdness. I decided to go all-in. I hadn't tried to do that (go all in for Jesus) since I was a teenager, now here I am in my 40s. Since this fresh new journey begin in 2020 I have seen healings and have had dreams, revelations, and encounters with angels and with the Most High God Himself, who speaks to me and is willing to speak to anyone who would seek Him and listen.
But I am still trying to figure out what it means to go all in. I was a pastor's kid, after all, and for my entire life I struggled with trust of church culture and tradition. In the end, God has led me to beautiful green pastures "flowing with milk and honey" by helping me find fellowships and outreach movements. Nowadays in the immediate term my desire is to ramp up my knowledge of God's word, spend more time with Him, and make myself a willing and purified vessel for His special purposes (2 Timothy 2:20-21).
Currently as of this web site edit my "home base" is Nampa, Idaho, formerly Phoenix, Arizona. I am currently holding out here in Nampa continuing life in my career as I look after my parents and hope to soon get married and plant roots. I don't know how God will use me, He has a unique purpose for me that He has deliberately kept almost a secret (even according to multiple prophetic words).
Prior to the last year, I would say this: My long-term desire is to edify and encourage fellow believers, to help coordinate and give guidance for house fellowships, to encourage people who are hitting the streets in evangelizing with the real power of God (healing, casting out demons, baptizing, etc), and otherwise helping to "equip the saints" with God's word and with revelation as He sees fit.
My greatest recent influencers have included Mike Davis (my dad, pastor and teacher, now retired), Torben Sondergaard (of The Last Reformation), John Fenn (of Church WIthout Walls International), Tom Schermitzler (of God's Living Room, one of my pastors/mentors), and Kevin Zadai (of Warrior Notes). I "follow" (e.g. on YouTube) a slew of other influencers as well. I am nothing like any of these, I offer nothing like any of these offer, but I celebrate and cling to the profound revelation these have shared with the world. Someday I hope and expect to be an influencer myself, but as of the time of updating this web site I am quietly nose-down right now as He is still pruning me.